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Femicide or feminicide is a hate crime term, broadly defined as “the intentional killing” of women or girls though definitions vary depending on its cultural context.
Feminist author Diana E. H. Russell (1938-2020) was the first person to define and disseminate this term in modern times, in 1976. She defines the word as “the killing of females by males because they are female
WOMEN ACTIVISTS KILLED collected by @poemproducer
ACLED data collection
Wiki (could be extended per country) n #ChallengeAccepted Started
WMC Women Under Siege
Research papers at
As Rita Segato put it, not only have incidences of violence against women increased in frequency since the CoronaShock; they have also increased in their cruelty, as neo-fascist ideas of female subordination eclipse more enlightened ideas about women’s emancipation. In Argentina, the slogan el femicido no se toma cuarentena, or ‘femicide does not quarantine’, clearly points to the violence that has been inflamed by the global lockdown. In every single country, reports come in of increased violence against women. Support lines are overflowing, shelters cannot be reached
Silvia Federici: The Globalization of Women’s Work and New Forms of Violence Against Women
Federici involved in “a group of women who want to create a common space for feminist research and thinking about violence against women and new forms of capital accumulation… We encourage international feminist contributions…”
How is Political Violence Gendered? Disentangling Motives, Forms, and Impacts
How Does Political Violence Target Women? New Data from ACLED
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) on femicide
Debate: “From Internationalism to Alter-Globality” | Internationalism After the End of Globalisation
Rita Segato: “The feminist movement is helping men liberate themselves”
Elin Bjarnegård – Political scientist at Uppsala University in Sweden the nexus between gender, politics & violence
#Femicide Awareness: The Real Reason #ChallengeAccepted Started
Research papers at
On instagram
These regions are just examples, Femicide occurs EVERYWHERE and where the silence is loudest, these places are the scariest.
5 Countries Where Femicide Is At Its Worst And What We Can Do To Help 2015.
Femicide in Europe is a widespread issue.
MISSING AFRIN WOMEN PROJECT Tracking kidnappings and disappearances of women in occupied Afrin, Syria.
Femicide in Iraq : Beyond the Religious and Secular Divide.
Femicide in Argentina
Femicide and International Women’s RightsAn epidemic of violence in Latin America.
Femicide, Mereka Dibunuh karena Berkelamin Perempuan

collected by @poemproducer
name / who / where / when / how / accounted for / why / wikipedia / region / more links
Rosa Luxemburg
Polish Marxist, philosopher, economist, anti-war activist and revolutionary socialist
in Germany/ Berlin, 1919
knocked out and thrown to river
Otto Runge was sentenced to two years imprisonment (for “attempted manslaughter”) and Lieutenant Vogel to four months (for failing to report a corpse). However, Vogel escaped after a brief custody. Pabst and Souchon went unpunished.
more than four months after the execution of Luxemburg and Liebknecht, on 1 June 1919, Luxemburg’s corpse was found and identified after an autopsy at the Charité hospital in Berlin.
Gauri Lankesh
Indian journalist-turned-activist from Bangalore, Karnataka
India, 2017
three unidentified men shot Gauri to death at her house in Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore
Oluwatoyin “Toyin” Salau
Black Lives Matter activist
USA, 2020
found dead one week after she went missing in Florida
Salau had been an active part of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in Tallahassee, Florida. She has been described as an “emerging leader” and “prominent voice”[7] in the movement. She had advocated on behalf of Tony McDade in particular.
North America
Cristina Bautista
Indigenous community leader of the semi-autonomous indigenous reservation of Nasa Tacueyó
Colombia, 2019
Police have made no arrests, and no suspects have been named in the massacre. Indigenous community leader of the semi-autonomous indigenous reservation of Nasa Tacueyó
South America
Joan Kagezi
Senior Principal State Attorney in Uganda, lead prosecutor in high profile cases in Uganda, including against a former LRA commander and those accused of terrorism,
shot dead in front of her children last month.
was murdered by unidentified assailants, who opened fire on her while she was driving home from work
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Sakine Cansiz
Paris, France
assassination (gun powder)
assassin died, who ordered the murder
co-founder of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, known as the PKK, found dead with two other Kurdish female activists, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez
Anna Politkovskaya
Moscow, Russia
shot in her house
Politkovskaya was found dead in the lift, in her block of flats in central Moscow on 7 October 2006. She had been shot twice in the chest, once in the shoulder, and once in the head at point-blank range.[50] The assassination had happened on Vladimir Putin’s birthday, and two days after Ramzan Kadyrov’s 30th birthday celebrations, raising suspicions that one or both were served up by the contract hit.[51][52][53] There was widespread international reaction to the assassination. she was murdered in the elevator of her block of flats, an assassination that attracted international attention.[7][8][9] In June 2014, five men were sentenced to prison for the murder, but it is still unclear who ordered or paid for the contract killing.[10]
Mayada Ashraf
Reporter with the daily Al-Dustour
shot dead while covering clashes between security forces and the Muslim Brotherhood protesters in Eastern Cairo’s Ain Shams area
many were suspected of being accountable for the murder
Mayada Ashraf, 23, a reporter with the daily Al-Dustour, was shot dead while covering clashes between security forces and the Muslim Brotherhood protesters in Eastern Cairo’s Ain Shams area. The clashes stemmed from nationwide demonstrationsExternal link by members and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood who were protesting Army Chief Abdul- Fattah al-Sisi’s announcementExternal link on March 26 that he would resign from the army and run for president.
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Meena Keshwar Kamal
Meena, was an Afghan revolutionary political activist, feminist, women’s rights activist and founder of Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA),
Afghanistan, 1987
In May 2002, two men associated with the KHAD were hanged in Pakistan after being convicted of Kamal’s murder.
Kamal was assassinated in Quetta, Pakistan on February 4, 1987. Reports vary as to who the assassins were, but are believed to have been agents of the Afghan Intelligence Service KHAD, the Afghan secret police, or of fundamentalist Mujahideen leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
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Middle East
Marielle Franco
Brazil, 2018
unaccounted for
while in a car after delivering a speech, Franco and her driver were shot multiple times and killed by two murderers in another vehicle, north of Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian politician, black, gay and human rights activist and organiser
South America
Emilsen Manyoma
a human rights activist from Colombia, of Afro-Colombian descent, Her work against the interests of businesses and paramilitaries were described as the reasons for the murder Colombia, 2017
Her murder was part of a series of killings of political activists in the country that occurred during the presidency of Juan Manuel Santos: at least 534 activists were killed between 2011 and 2016.
Afro-Colombian human rights activist. She worked for the “Communities Building Peace in Territories” or CONPAZ network in the Bajo Calima region of the country in Valle del Cauca
Kim Wall
Swedish freelance journalist
Wall’s dismembered body parts were found in different locations around the area. Charged with her murder, Madsen was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment “The submarine case”)
Almaas Elman
Somali-Canadian humanitarian aid worker, the eldest daughter of a prominent family of humanitarian aid-workers, human rights defender & peacebuilders Somalia 2019
Shot Dead in Mogadishu
Elman’s death was initially reported as a murder by many news sources, including The New York Times.[7][8] Within a day of her death the African Union, which controls the territory where the car carrying her was traveling, said they had no reports of opposition elements engaging in hostilities in the area, and describes her being hit by “a stray bullet”, from outside.Hadalsame reported that Elman was expecting a child, when she was killed.
Diana Sacayán
Important Argentinian LGBT activist. She worked for the legal and human rights of transgender people, fought a lot for the rights of trans people in Argentina, National Gender Identity Law
Argentina 2015
Diana was brutally murdered the crime was one of the first declared as a “hate crime” in the country
in this case a transvesticide. I was watching her in an old interview, she was so nice…, had a lot of faith, very inspiring and at the same time very sad…
South America
Daphne Caruana Galizia
Investigative journalist
killed her to silence the truth, a car bomb placed in her leased Peugeot 108 exploded, killing her instantly.[
According to local investigators, Daphne was killed because of her investigations into government corruption, nepotism and patronage in Malta
Berta Cáceres
Honduran environmental activist, indigenous leader and co-founder and coordinator of the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, Her work to defend Lenca people habitat and rights, Río Gualcarque for which she won the Goldman Prize
Hondura, 2016
shot dead in her home by armed intruders on the night -12 environmental activists were killed in Honduras in 2014
Berta Isabel Zúniga Cáceres, the 25-year-old daughter of Berta Cáceres, said in an interview she holds the company that wanted to build the Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam responsible for her mother’s death. She said it is “very easy to pay people to commit murders in Honduras, but those who are behind this are other powerful people with money and an apparatus that allows them to commit these crimes” and that “they had paid assassins on several occasions to kill her.”[41]
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South America
Hande Kader
Politically active Turkish transgender woman. Kader was familiar to millions of Turks as a figurehead for the LGBT community after being photographed at the forefront of the resistance against police forces suppressing the 2015 Gay Pride event in Istanbul Turkey,
She was 23 years old at the time of her death.[7] The official cause of death has not yet been released. Reports indicate that after death her corpse was set on fire, possibly to avoid identification of the perpetrator(s).
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Mary Turner
Black Lives Matter Advocate,
In 1918, a pregnant Black woman was murdered because she threatened White people with justice.
Who Died Because She Scared White People
The NAACP referred to Mary Turner’s murder in its anti-lynching campaigns of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.[2] In the lynching era from 1880 to 1930, the great majority of these murders were committed in the South.[3] Most of the thousands of individuals lynched in the United States were black,[4] and most were men, but at least 159 women were known to have been lynched.
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North America
Isabel Cabanillas De La Torre
Artist and activist, outspoken advocate for women’s rights and a member of the feminist collective Daughters of Maquila Worker Mothers
Mexico, 2020
assassinated on the border of Juárez. Her murder is under investigation and other women are rallying for justice. They are also protesting to end to the femicides and disappearances of women that have plagued Juárez.
26-year old, outspoken advocate for women’s rights and a member of the feminist collective Daughters of Maquila Worker Mothers
South America
Agathe Uwilingiyimana
Madame Agathe (May 23, 1953–April 7, 1994)
Prime Minister of Rwanda from 18 July 1993 until her assassination in 1994
Rwanda, 1994
during the opening stages of the Rwandan genocide
Agathe Uwilingiyimana (May 23, 1953–April 7, 1994), sometimes known as Madame Agathe, served as Prime Minister of Rwanda from 18 July 1993 until her assassination in 1994,.” Agathe Uwilingiyimana was Rwanda’s first and so far only female prime minister.
Zahra “Ziba” Kazemi-Ahmadabadi
Iranian-Canadian freelance photographer, journalist
recon reader °1 on femicide
Iran, 2013
according to the medical examiner was raped, tortured and killed by Iranian officials following her arrest in Iran.
while taking photographs of the families of detainees outside Tehran’s Evin Prison. She was held for nearly two weeks before being transferred to the hospital in a coma, nineteen days after she was arrested, Kazemi died in Iranian custody
Middle East
Viktoria Marinova
Bulgarian presenter and administrative director of local television channel TVN
Bulgaria, 2018
found dead in a park by the river Danube in the town of Ruse, 300 km (185 miles) northeast of the capital Sofia; she had been raped, beaten, and strangled, according to media reports. She was 30 years old, the reports said.
21-year-old Severin Krasimirov, who had fled to Germany, pled guilty to raping and murdering her and was sentenced on 23 April 2019 to 30 years in prison.
in connection with government corruption, Marinova was the third journalist killed in the European Union in less than a year, after Daphne Caruana Galizia from Malta, and Jan Kuciak and his fiancée from Slovakia
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Dr. Rajani Thiranagama (née Rajasingham)
Tamil human rights activist and feminist who was assassinated by Tamil Tigers cadres after she criticised them for their atrocities
Sri Lanka, 1989
shot dead at Thirunelvely, Jaffna in front of her house by a gunman while cycling back from work
at the time of her assassination she was the head of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Jaffna and an active member of University Teachers for Human Rights, Jaffna branch of which she is one of the founding members.
Rosalyn Albaniel Evara
Papua New Guinea journalist
victim of domestic violence
Rosalyn Albaniel Evara had been suffering ongoing physical abuse. Her husband often beat her senseless.
Death of Papua New Guinea journalist sparks national debate about domestic violence
Pacific islands
Miroslava Breach
Mexican journalist
She was shot in her car, accompanied by one of her three children, outside her home in 2017. Her high-principled work shed light on organized crime, political wrongdoings and other abuses.
South America
Ruqia Hassan
Syrian independent journalist and blogger
Syria, 2017
abducted and murdered by ISIS in 2014
while reporting human rights violations in the occupied city of Raqqa, Syria She was a member of the activist group known as Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently
Middles East
Ghislaine Dupont
French investigative journalist working in Africa
Mali 2013
Dupont was killed on 2 November 2013, not far from Kidal in northeastern Mali after being abducted by unidentified assailants
María Elena Moyano Delgado
(November 29, 1958-February 15, 1992)
Afro-Peruvian community organizer, feminist & activist
Peru, 1992
assassinated by the Maoist Shining Path Terrorist group.
After actively confronting the Shining Path, she began to contemplate her death. Since many women activists in Peru such as Maria Antenati Hilario and Margarita Astride de la Cruz were assassinated, she felt it could happen to her as well.Although only one of many atrocities committed during the most violent period of Peru’s modern history, Moyano-Delgado’s death resulted in a public outcry.
South America
Beatriz Nascimento
Outspoken advocate for non-Anglo women across the African diaspora, key figure in Brazil’s “Movimento Negro,” or widely know as “The Black Movement of Brazil.”
Brazil, 1995
murdered by a man who suspected Nascimento of telling his wife to leave him. She is remembered in academic circles as one of the first prominent Afro-Brazilian women to speak on the history of Black people in the South American nation.
South America
Albertina Martínez Burgos
Photojournalist, documenting repression against anti-government protesters at the time of her death, particularly violence against women
Chile, 2019
found stabbed and beaten to death
her photographs of the ongoing massive demonstrations against Chilean President Sebastián Piñera have also been stolen.
South America
many many more…
On Rec-on for more material and info.

AGF, poemproducer, Antye Greie-Ripatti, born and raised in East Germany is an artist & facilitator, sound recorder and music producer, a sound facilitator weaving deconstructed language, field recordings, low frequencies, disembodied voices, post-club aesthetics, interwoven a-rhythmical patterns into dense sonic feminist sonic technologies.
She published more than 30 records, countless media projects and organises sound interventions with others around the globe, she works locally in Hailuoto, Finland where she is based with the arts organisation Hai Art and initiated recon for political listening and sound.experiences to create powerful, bass-heavy mixes.